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First published by St. Martin's in 1958, Robert Traver's Anatomy of a Murder immediately became the number-one bestseller in America, and was subsequently turned into the now classic Otto Preminger film of the same name, starring Jimmy Stewart and Duke Ellington.
It's not only the most popular courtroom drama in American fiction, but one of the most popular novels of our time.
A gripping tale of deceit, murder, and a sensational
6) Monster
Banned & Challenged Books: YA
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Defense attorney Paul Madriani was on the rise with the California law firm of Potter, Skarpellos—until a short-lived affair with Potter's wife, Talia, cost him his job. A year later, when Talia is accused of Potter’s murder Paul is thrust back into the big time—and he soon uncovers...
10) Smash cut
12) Madapple
16) Heartstone
They were young, popular, the perfect couple — an all-American boy and a beautiful cheerleader. But the youthful passion that led them to Lookout Point that terrible evening would prove fatal. For Richie Walters the end came swiftly, as death descended upon him in a savage orgy of horrific violence. Elaine Murray would live long enough to learn just how lucky her boyfriend had been ...
Two brutal slayings have rocked a stunned city.
...17) The jury
Paul Madriani has ample reason to suspect he's representing a guilty man. Dr. David Crone, a respected medical researcher...
19) Blue diary
When Ethan Ford fails to show up for work on a brilliant summer morning, none of his neighbors would guess that for more than thirteen years, he has been running from his past. His true nature has been locked away, as hidden as his real identity. But sometimes...