Rod Serling's seminal anthology series focused on ordinary folks who suddenly found themselves in extraordinary, usually supernatural, situations. The stories would typically end with an ironic twist that would see the guilty punished.
The fourth season of this classic groundbreaking series saw the beginning of one-hour episodes. This allowed for more elaborate and detailed stories which plunged viewers even further into the twilight zone.
The fourth season of this classic groundbreaking series saw the beginning of one-hour episodes. This allowed for more elaborate and detailed stories which plunged viewers even further into the twilight zone.
Includes all 36 episodes from the fifth and final season. A collection of tales which range from comic to tragic, but most often have a wicked sense of humor and are filled with unexpected twists. Includes a bonus episode of American Masters profiling Rod Serling.
Includes all 36 episodes from the fifth and final season. A collection of tales which range from comic to tragic, but most often have a wicked sense of humor and are filled with unexpected twists. Includes a bonus episode of American Masters profiling Rod Serling.