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Gale In Context: Science is an engaging online resource that provides contextual information on hundreds of today’s most significant science topics. By integrating authoritative reference content with headlines and videos, learners see how scientific disciplines relate to real-world issues, from weather patterns to obesity. Users can explore millions of full-text articles from national and global publications, 200+ experiments and projects, and top reference content.
2) The Martian
4) Messenger
6) Uglies
PG Reads for Teens and Tweens
YA Books to Screen 2022-2024
YA Science Fiction Classics
8) Dune messiah
10) 1984: a novel
13) The Hunger Games
NYT - Children’s & Young Adult Series
NYT - Children’s Series
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14) Insurgent
15) Dune
16) The kill order
The Island of Dr. Moreau is an 1896 science fiction novel by H.G. Wells. It is the tale of Prendick, a British scientist, who is shipwrecked off Sumatra, then rescued and brought to an unnamed island. There he meets the evil scientist prototype, Dr. Moreau: a white-haired Old Testament type who, with the aid of a man named Montgomery, is changing animals into crazy man-beasts. Hyena-swine, Dog Man, Wolf woman - Prendick is horrified by the cruel
...19) System collapse
20) Fahrenheit 451
Nashville Reads 2023: Celebrating Our Freedom to Read!