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Gale In Context: Science is an engaging online resource that provides contextual information on hundreds of today’s most significant science topics. By integrating authoritative reference content with headlines and videos, learners see how scientific disciplines relate to real-world issues, from weather patterns to obesity. Users can explore millions of full-text articles from national and global publications, 200+ experiments and projects, and top reference content.
YA Novels in English and in Spanish/Novelas para jovenes en inglés y español
2) Nightwings
"Roum is a city built on seven hills. They say it was a capital of man in one of the earlier cycles. I knew nothing of that, for my guild was Watching, not Remembering." For a thousand years, mankind has lived under the threat of invasion from an alien race. After the oceans...
8) Out of time
Warning: this story contains a major spoiler from Shadow's End (book #9, released December 1st, 2015). If readers do not want to be spoiled, they should read the stories in order of their release dates. This is a short story intended for readers of the Elder Races who enjoy Liam Cuelebre as a character.
Reeling from a deep loss, the magical prince of the Wyr, Dragos and Pia's son Liam Cuelebre, turns inward and withdrawn as he struggles
...12) A split second
13) Erak's ransom
15) The maze runner
17) Messenger
18) The Moon Maid
The first manned spaceship to reach the Moon discovered a world hidden from human eyes—a world of flying women, of conical cities, and of semi-human monsters who fought for power across these eerie lunar plains.
19) The Moon Men
Through the treason of a handful of men, contact between Earth and the Moon had become a nightmare. The world became the tool of the Lunarians, whose plundering and cruelty reduced thieving nations to poverty-stricken wastelands.
20) Lost Things
In 1929 archeologists began draining Lake Nemi in search of the mysterious ships that have been glimpsed beneath its waters since the reign of Claudius. What they awakened had been drowned for two thousand years. For a very good reason.
Veteran aviator Lewis Segura has been drifting since the Great War ended, fetched up at last at the small company run by fellow veterans and pilots Alma Gilchrist and Mitchell Sorley, assisted by their old friend