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"Desde la muerte de Simon hace casi un año, en Bayview han surgido decenas de apliccaciones para difundir cotilleos, aunque ninguna está a la altura de la suya. Hasta ahora"--
"A year after the Bayview four were cleared of Simon Kelleher's death a ton of copycat gossip apps have popped up, but no one's been able to fill the gossip void quite like he could. Now a game with dangerous consequences is targeting students at Bayview--and if the creator...
Gossip was rife in the capital about the poetess of Qazvin. Some claimed she had been arrested for masterminding the murder of the grand Mullah, her uncle. Others echoed her words, and passed her poems from hand to hand. Everyone spoke of her beauty, and her dazzling intelligence. But most alarming to the Shah and the court was how the poetess could read. Was she only reading history-- or writing it as well?