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One of the most important philosophical works of all time, in a new Penguin Classics translation by Adam Beresford
'Right and wrong is a human thing'
What does it mean to be a good person? Aristotle's famous series of lectures on ethical topics ranges over fundamental questions about good and bad character; pleasure and self-control; moral wisdom and the foundations of right and wrong; friendship and love in all their forms -
Early Literacy & Story Times- BBTL Teacher Training Book List
Favorite Female Authors
Picture Books in Both English and Spanish/Libros ilustrados en ingles y español
6) I promise
7) The prince
Often cited as one of the first works in modern political philosophy, The Prince is a political treatise that relates author Niccolo Machiavelli's theories on state-building and rulership. Drawing on his experience as a diplomat, Machiavelli discusses the important policies for both republican free-states and hereditary princedoms, and outlines the most successful political tactics, many of which remain relevant into modern times.
...9) The prince
10) Rogue lawyer
12) We are family
Picture Books in Both English and Spanish/Libros ilustrados en ingles y español
S.T.E.A.M & Literacy: Fall Edition