Through a hole in the book's cover, a bee is buzzing inside a flower. Peek into this bright and lively book and discover the big ways this little insect contributes to the beauty of the environment, from pollinating colorful flowers to buzzing about the bright and beautiful meadow.--Provided by publisher.
"Benjamin loves the rain. He loves splashing in puddles and kicking the droplets. And most of all, he loves the sound of thunder because it reminds him of the drum his grandfather plays at powwow. There's nothing better than being outside in the rain, enjoying all the colors and sounds of the storm -- until the lightning comes. Benjamin doesn't like the lightning at all! But when he closes his eyes and listens to the sound of the thunder, he imagines...
Corina's Abuela helps her select flowers that mean something to Corina from the garden for her Mexican flower crown that she will wear on her birthday, and explains the symbolic meaning of a birthday crown.
Squirrel is apprehensive about the arrival of Spring until he spots a wildflower and tries to claim it as his own, not understanding his overbearing protectiveness is doing more harm than good. Includes information on flowers.
When Camille goes outside on a rainy Sunday afternoon to explore her garden, she discovers that the bugs and other creatures are going to a show--and she is invited.
After helping her mother weed, water, and chase the rabbits from their garden, a young girl imagines her dream garden complete with jellybean bushes, chocolate rabbits, and tomatoes the size of beach balls.
"When rain interrupts their outdoor play, a girl and her father retreat indoors to wait out the storm. As lightning cracks and thunder booms, they each have their own ideas of things they can do together on a rainy day. Told through spare text and bold sound effects, Sarah LuAnn Perkins' unique linocut-like textured illustrations create a fun read-aloud experience for both reader and listener." --
"Cebra abrió su paraguas cuando vio las primeras gotas de lluvia. Gacela, Hipopótamo, Elefanta, Liebre y León se acercaron. ¿Habrá espacio para todos bajo el paragua de Cebra?"--Back cover.
"Plant a seed to watch it grow. Press on the cloud to make it rain. Jiggle the book to scatter the seeds. Interactive text teaches very young children how flowers sprout and mature. Contains watercolor depictions of a flower in various stages of growth"--