So you're thinking about becoming an abolitionist : So you're thinking about becoming an abolitionist ; The system isn't broken ; Yes, we mean literally abolish the police ; A jailbreak of the imagination: seeing prisons for what they are and demanding transformation / with Kelly Hayes ; Hope is a discipline : interview / by Kim Wilson and Brian Sonenstein --
There are no perfect victims : Free Marissa and all Black people ; Not a cardboard cutout: Cyntoia Brown and the framing of a victim / with Brit Schulte ; From "Me too" to "All of us": organizing to end sexual violence without prisons : interview / by Sarah Jaffe with Mariame Kaba and Shira Hassan ; Black women punished for self-defense must be freed from their cages --
The state can't give us transformative justice : Whether Darren Wilson is indicted or not, the entire system is guilty ; The sentencing of Larry Nassar was not "transformative justice." Here's why. / with Kelly Hayes ; We want more justice for Breonna Taylor than the system that killed her can deliver / with Andrea J. Ritchie --
Making demands: reforms for and against abolition : Police "reforms" you should always oppose ; A people's history of prisons in the United States : interview / by Jeremy Scahill ; Arresting the carceral state / with Erica R. Meiners ; Itemizing atrocity / with Tamara K. Nopper ; "I live in a place where everybody watches you everywhere you go" ; Toward the horizon of abolition : interview / by John Duda --
We must practice and experiment: abolitionist organizing and theory : Police torture, reparations, and lessons in struggle and justice from Chicago ; Free us all: participatory defense campaigns as abolitionist organizing ; Rekia Boyd and #FireDanteServin: an abolitionist campaign in Chicago ; A love letter to the #NoCopAcademy organizers from those of us on the freedom side --
Accountability is not punishment: transforming how we deal with harm and violence : Transforming punishment: what is accountability without punishment? / with Rachel Herzing ; The practices we need: #MeToo and transformative justice : interview / by Autumn Brown and adrienne maree brown ; Moving past punishment : interview / by Ayana Young ; Justice: a short story --
Show up and don't travel alone: we need each other : "Community matters. Collectivity matters." : interview / by Damon Williams and Daniel Kisslinger ; Everything worthwhile is done with other people : interview / by Eve L. Ewing ; Resisting police violence against Black women and women of color ; Join the abolitionist movement : interview / by Rebel Steps ; "I must become a menace to my enemies": the living legacy of June Jordan.