Michael Weiner
Muscles tighten in your 50s, inhibiting the full range of motion and making a regular flexibility program more important than ever to improve posture, prevent injury and relieve stress. A complete flexibility workout that includes insights into the importance of flexibility training, ; exercise tips for achieving maximum results; 40-minute core routine; introductory Pilates and yoga workouts; Q & A session.
As metabolism begins to slow in our 50's, regular aerobic exercise helps combat weight creep, increase energy and relieve stress. It's not just about looking good anymore. It's about feeling good and having fun! A complete aerobic workout that includes insights into the importance of aerobic training in your 50's; exercise tips for achieving maximum results; 30-minute core routine; 10-minutes of advanced exercises; Q & A session.
Muscle is the body's natural heating system. Regular strength training revs up your metabolism and helps protect against the bone loss that naturally occurs in your 50s. A complete strength workout includes insights into the importance of strength training; exercise tips for achieving maximum goals; 40-minute core routine, including abdominal section; advanced excerses; Q & A session.
Your 50s are a decade of change and opportunity. This total body workout system is designed to address your changing body's unique needs. You'll find effective and easy-to-follow workout routines, expert advice and inspiring examples. Program features include insights into the major physical changes in your 50s; exercise tips for acheiving maximum results; 30-to-40 minute core routines; advanced/alternate exercises; introductory Pilates and yoga workouts;...