David Ogden Stiers
Be our guest at the enchanted 25th Anniversary celebration, a groundbreaking star in the legacy of animation and a new addition to the The Walt Disney Signature Collection. Cast a spell on your imagination and embark on an epic adventure with Belle, our brave and independent heroine, the Beast, who has the heart and soul of a prince, the music you'll never forget and all the fun characters you love.
Each year, Rabbit plays Easter Bunny, but this year, he's decided its Spring Cleaning Day, and he orders everyone to hop to it: scrubbing, dusting, and mopping. All his pals are disappointed, especially little Roo, until Rabbit learns that putting others first and showing friends how much you care turns every day into a precious gift. Sparkling with unforgettable songs, it is a delightful egg-stravaganza that shows why love, hope and friendship are...
Relying heavily on the correspondence between the second president, John Adams, and his wife, Abigail Adams, this joint biography sheds light on the characters of two people who played crictical roles in the history of the United States and on the tumultuous times through which they lived. He was a participant in the Continental Congress and a wartime emissary to France as well as becoming the second President of the United States during its fledging...
5) Fidel Castro
Through interviews with relatives, loyalists, and enemies in Cuba and abroad, American Experience constructs an intimate and revealing portrait of the most resilient of leaders.
A young girl, Chihiro, finds herself trapped in a strange new world of spirits. When her parents undergo a mysterious transformation, she must call on the courage she never knew she had to free herself and return her family to the outside world. An unforgettable story, brimming with creativity, this will take viewers on a journey beyond imagination.
An evil creator has created a little creature by genetic experimentation. The creator and creature are sent to prison. The creature escapes and heads for Earth where he tries to impersonate a dog. Bent on self preservation, he plans to use a human shield to protect him from the aliens sent to recapture him. Earth girl, Lilo, adopts the 'dog,' gives him the name Stitch, and actually developes an emotional attachment to the little creature. Lilo's dysfunctional...
10) Porco Rosso
Slouching towards middle age, Porco Rosso makes his living by flying about in his red bi-plane and fighting sky bandits who prey on cruise ships sailing the Adriatic. When he's not engaging in dog fights, this pilot lives on a deserted island retreat. Porco was once a strappling young man, but after his entire squardron was wiped out, he is mysteriously transformed into a pig. Then he is defeated in a dogfight against a dashing American rival, who...
Quasimodo ventures from his tower to the joyous festival of fools, but the crowd turns cruel and rejects him because of the way he looks. The gypsy Esmeralda rescues him and he finds himself battling to save the people and the city he loves--while reminding us to see people as they are rather than how they appear.
12) Reagan
The story of Ronald Reagan's life, with comments by contemporaries and historians.
Few American artists have reached a wider audience or enjoyed more widespread popularity in their own lifetime than Ansel Adams. Ansel Adams had a profound impact on how Americans see the majesty or their continent and helped transform how people think and feel about the meaning of the natural world. A visionary photographer, a pioneer in photographic technique and a crusader for the environment, this portrait of Adams portrays the great artist and...
"The third episode chronicles the history of New York during the giddy decades following the Civil War--what Mark Twain called "the Gilded Age." During this period, New York grows at a staggering rate--demographically, geographically, and financially--building on its position as the commerical and cultural capital of America to become the headquarters of an entirely new corporate economy. Along the way, the city takes on enormous physical challenges...
"In this pivotal fourth episode, the forces of capitalism and democracy in New York come to a stunning crescendo, as the city's tremendous industrial engine draws in people from around the world--tripling New York's population in less than a single lifetime. Transformed by their experience in the new world, the immigrants in turn transform the city in extraordinary ways--physically, culturally, and, in the end, politically. In addition to the epic...
"The sixth episode chronicles the dramatic and increasingly fateful events following the crash of 1929--as the greatest depression in American history plunged the city and nation into economic gloom. In little more than ten years, immense new forces were unleashed in New York, as two of the most remarkable New Yorkers of all time came to the fore--Fiorello La Guardia and Robert Moses--attempting to create in the darkest of times a bold new city of...
"The second episode chronicles the rise of New York from merchant city to industrial metropolis as the commercial revolution triggered by the Erie Canal transforms every aspect of life in the city. As the immigrant population explodes and social problems of every kind emerge on the streets of Manhattan, the outlines of a modern mass metropolis begin to appear--including imaginative visions of the city's future, from Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass...
"This dramatic and lyrical first episode chronicles the rise of New York from its settlement by the Dutch in the early 17th century through the explosion of commercial growth sparked by the completion of the Erie Canal in 1825. Beginning with a consideration of themes to be explored throughout the entire series, the episode goes on to treat five crucial chapters in New York's fascinating early history: the defining role the Dutch played in establishing...
"Nearly a century-and-a-half of capitalist growth and astonishing demographic and physical transformation comes to an extraordinary climax during the roaring twenties, as New York finishes assembling the components of a mass consumer society, and becomes the cultural capital of the world. Themes of democracy and capitalism are brought to a moving zenith during the period, as New York's hybrid cultural style mixes high culture and low, black culture...