Brent Spiner
"Brent Spiner's explosive and hilarious novel is a personal look at the slightly askew relationship between a celebrity and his fans. If the Coen Brothers were to make a Star Trek movie, involving the complexity of fan obsession and sci-fi, this noir comedy might just be the one. Set in 1991, just as Star Trek: The Next Generation has rocketed the cast to global fame, the young and impressionable actor Brent Spiner receives a mysterious package and...
This multi-episode documentary series takes viewers on the definitive in-depth journey behind the scenes of one of the greatest landmark franchises of all time: Star Trek. Celebrating the show's 55th anniversary, each episode focuses on a different chapter in the groundbreaking program's history. Interviews with the cast, crew, and experts including one of Leonard Nimoy's final in-depth Trek interviews reveal never-before-heard backstage stories and...
At the isolated planet of the Ba'kus (a seemingly simple race of people), the crew of the Enterprise has unveiled an unjust conspiracy between the Federation and the Son'a to exile the entire Ba'ku race from their planet. Ordered to leave and ignore his findings, Captain Picard must choose between obeying Starfleet orders or risking his crew, career and the Enterprise to protect the innocent and uphold his Starfleet oath.
It's the late 23rd century and retirees Scott, Chekhov, and Admiral James T. Kirk are guests aboard the new Enterprise. When they receive a distress call from inside the Nexus, Kirk sacrifices himself to save all. 70 years later, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the new crew of the Enterprise encounter Dr. Soran, a scientist with a strong obsession to harness the power of the Nexus regardless of the cost. Picard's only hope for the future lies within the...
A cryptic and desperate message from a long-lost friend Dr. Beverly Crusher draws Starfleet legend Admiral Jean-Luc Picard into the most daring mission of his life, forcing him to recruit allies spanning generations old and new. The legacy of Picard's past meets explosive new revelations that will alter the fate of the Federation forever. Experience the Star Trek: The Next Generation reunion three decades in the making like you've never seen it before,...
Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his Starship crew battle a chilling new adversary that just happens to hold a shocking link to Picard! In the wake of a joyful wedding between Riker and Troi, Picard receives another reason to celebrate: the Romulans want peace and the captain will be the Federation's emissary. But as the Enterprise heads toward meeting, a brilliant villain awaits-harboring a diabolical plan of destruction and a secret that will give Picard...
Using recovered alien technology, the nations of Earth have collaborated on an immense defense program to protect the planet. But nothing can prepare people for the aliens' advanced and unprecedented force. Only the ingenuity of a few brave men and women can bring the world back from the brink of extinction.