Cristina Rivera Garza
Surreal and gothic, The Iliac Crest is a masterful excavation of forgotten Mexican women writers, illustrating the myriad ways that gendered language can wield destructive power.
On a dark and stormy night, two mysterious women invade an unnamed narrator's house, where they proceed to ruthlessly question their host's identity. The women are strangely intimate―even inventing together an incomprehensible, fluid language―and
...5) 2030
Diecisiete miradas sobre el año 2030 componen el nuevo libro de Zenda. 2030 incluye relatos de Alberto Olmos, Ana Iris Simón, Andrés Trapiello, Antonio Lucas, Cristina Rivera Garza, Espido Freire, Eva García Sáenz de Urturi, José Ángel Mañas, Karina Sainz Borgo, Luisgé Martín, Luz Gabás, Manuel Jabois, María José Solano, Pedro Mairal, Rubén Amón y Soledad Puértolas. El libro está editado y prologado por Leandro