Dave Quinn
1) Idea Magic
Do you sometimes wish that you had better ideas? Do you look at creatives, geniuses and innovative individuals and wish that you could become just as creative as them? Creativity and inspiration are often looked at as some kind of external force, some kind of lightning bolt that strikes some kind of special individual, but that couldn't be further from the truth!
The reality is that you, right now, have all of the tools to become an innovative and...
Everyone wants more money! But the problem is that in today's economy, saving is no longer the best strategy to retire rich! Instead, we live in a world where the corporate machine demands that we trade valuable hours of our life for dollars! The problem is that as we trade our hours in exchange for dollars, we are only making our bosses richer! Is there any way that we can get ahead in this new, digital economy? Absolutely! With No Limit Income,...
Don't you hate it when you sit down to work, and suddenly you cannot focus? Or when you crack open your textbook finally and you just cannot focus on the words? How about when you start cleaning your house or doing some other household task, and your mind leaps around, causing you to forget what you were supposed to be doing originally? Your lack of productivity is probably just because you are distracted. You need to learn how to regain focus. You...