Richard Osman
"Steve Wheeler is enjoying retired life. He does the odd bit of investigation work, but he prefers his familiar habits and routines: the pub quiz, his favorite bench, his cat waiting for him when he comes home. His days of adventure are over: adrenaline is daughter-in-law Amy's business now. Amy Wheeler thinks adrenaline is good for the soul. As a private security officer, she doesn't stay still long enough for habits or routines. She's currently...
Shocking news reaches the Thursday Murder Club. An old friend in the antiques business has been killed, and a dangerous package he was protecting has gone missing. As the gang springs into action they encounter art forgers, online fraudsters and drug dealers, as well as heartache close to home. With the body count rising, the package still missing and trouble firmly on their tail, has their luck finally run out? And who will be the last devil to die....
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It is an ordinary Thursday, and things should finally be returning to normal. Except trouble is never far away where the Thursday Murder Club are concerned. A local news legend is on the hunt for a sensational headline, and soon the gang are hot on the trail of two murders, ten years apart. To make matters worse, a new nemesis pays Elizabeth a visit, presenting her with a deadly mission: kill or be killed. While Elizabeth grapples with her conscience...
It's the following Thursday. Elizabeth has received a letter from an old colleague, a man with whom she has a long history. He's made a big mistake and he needs her help. His story involves stolen diamonds, a violent mobster and a very real threat to his life. As bodies start piling up, Elizabeth enlists Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron in the hunt for a ruthless murderer. And if they find the diamonds too? Well, wouldn't that be a bonus? But this time they...
No subestimes el talento de un grupo de abuelos. Descubre la novela que está haciendo historia en Reino Unido.
Más de 6.000.000 lectores ya se han unido al Club del Crimen de los Jueves.
En un pacífico complejo privado para jubilados, cuatro improbables amigos se reúnen una vez a la semana para revisar antiguos casos de asesinatos locales que quedaron sin resolver. Ellos son Ron, un exactivista socialista lleno de tatuajes y revolución; la dulce...
Resolver un nuevo asesinato no formaba parte de sus planes de jubilación.
Elizabeth, Joyce, Ron e Ibrahim, los cuatro miembros del Club del Crimen de los Jueves, todavía están celebrando haber resuelto su primer caso de asesinato. Con el barullo de la investigación ya a sus espaldas, se preparan para una merecida temporada de descanso y relajación en Cooper's Chase, su elegante comunidad de jubilados.Pero parece que no va a haber suerte...
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"In a peaceful retirement village, four unlikely friends meet weekly in the Jigsaw Room to discuss unsolved crimes; together they call themselves The Thursday Murder Club. There's Red Ron, the infamous former socialist firebrand, still causing trouble; gentle Joyce, widowed, pining for another resident, but surely not as innocent as she seems; Ibrahim, a former therapist who understands the darker side of human nature; and Elizabeth? Well, no one...