Terry O'Quinn
1) Unsung hero
Based on a remarkable true story, Unsung Hero follows David Smallbone as he moves his family from Down Under to the States, searching for a brighter future after his successful music company collapses. With nothing more than their seven children, suitcases, and their love of music, David and his pregnant wife Helen set out to rebuild their lives. Helen's faith stands against all odds and inspires her husband and children to hold onto theirs. With...
3) The locket
The story of a wise woman who teaches a troubled young man an invaluable lesson about not giving up easily in the quest for both real love and a fulfilling life.
When destiny calls, the Oceanic 6 frantically race back to the island. As a result of Ben moving the island, the survivors left on the island begin skipping through time. The survivors discover that they've run into The Others 50 years in the past, but Richard Alpert is the same age. In Los Angeles, Kate tries to find out who is trying to take Aaron away from her. In order to avoid being killed, Ben promises to offer proof to Sun that Jin is still...