Toni Morrison
3) Sula
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6) Home
7) Love
“A marvelous work, which enlarges our conception not only of love but of racial politics.” —Los Angeles Times Book Review
In life, Bill Cosey enjoyed the affections of many women, who would do almost anything...
9) Tar baby
Jadine Childs is a Black fashion model with a white patron, a white boyfriend, and a coat made out of ninety perfect sealskins. Son is a Black fugitive who embodies everything she loathes and desires. As Morrison follows their affair, which plays out from the Caribbean to Manhattan and the deep South, she charts...
10) Jazz
Morrison shows how much the themes of freedom and individualism, manhood and innocence, depended on the existence of a black population that was manifestly unfree—and that came to serve white authors...
13) The Dancing Mind
"She was our conscience. Our seer. Our truthteller." —Oprah Winfrey
14) A mercy
Best known for her novels, Toni Morrison enters the realm of literary criticism to draw attention to the often overlooked significance of race in literature. Demonstrating 'the impact of racism on those who perpetuate it,' she shows that the American literary themes of freedom and individualism depend on the existence of a black population that is manifestly not free. Morrison argues that literature is never raceless, and that equating whiteness
...18) Volver
Por medio de la historia de un ex combatiente en la guerra de Corea y su intento por reconciliarse con la vida, la premio Nobel de Literatura hace un reflejo de la Norteamérica más profunda.
El cuerpo de un amigo destrozado por la metralla, la voz de un hombre que pide clemencia, la mano de una niña que asoma escarbando entre la basura para encontrar algo de comer...Hay imágenes que vuelven una y otra vez a la mente de Frank Money,