Yves Montand
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Jean de Florette: Set amidst the rugged hills of Provence, this epic saga follows the heroic efforts of Jean Cadoret, who inherits a farm from his mother, Florette, and leaves his city job behind, hoping to create a "new Eden" with his wife and daughter. But, unbeknownst to Jean, his greedy neighbor, César Soubeyran, is plotting to steal the land out from under him with a wicked scheme that drives Jean to the brink of madness.
Manon of the spring:...
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Costa-Gavras puts the United States' involvement in South American politics under the microscope in this arresting thriller. An urban guerilla group, outraged at the counterinsurgency and torture training clandestinely organized by the CIA in their country (unnamed in the film), abducts a U.S. official to bargain for the release of political prisoners; soon the kidnapping becomes a media sensation, leading to violence.
4) Grand Prix
Nine races. One champion. Formula One drivers compete to be the best in this tale of speed, spectacle, and intertwined personal lives.
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The master of the political thriller became an instant phenomenon after the mammoth success of Z, and he quickly followed it with the perhaps even more riveting. Based on a harrowing true story, influential Czechoslovak dignitary who, in the early fifties, was abducted, imprisoned, and interrogated by fellow members of his country's Communist ruling party, their intentions vague, their methods terrifying.