Allan Loeb
2) The dilemma
Ronny's world is turned upside down when he inadvertently sees something he should not have and makes it his mission to get answers. As the amateur investigation dissolves his world into comic mayhem, he learns that his best friend Nick has a few secrets of his own. Now, Ronny must decide what will happen if he reveals the truth.
Sixteen-year-old Gardner Elliot has lived his whole life with a team of scientists on Mars. He's always longed to see Earth to find the father he's never known and to meet a beautiful street-smart girl named Tulsa he's become friends with online. But when his chance finally comes, doctors discover his heart can't withstand the Earth's atmosphere. Eager to find his father, Gardner and Tulsa escape on a cross-country race against time to unravel the...
Following a lengthy prison term, Gordon Gekko finds himself on the outside looking in at a world he once commanded. Hoping to repair his relationship with his daughter, Winnie, Gekko forges an alliance with her fiance, Jake. But Winnie and Jake learn the hard way that Gekko is still a master manipulator who will stop at nothing to reclaim his rightful place at the top of Wall Street.
5) The switch
Kassie, a smart, fun-loving single woman, despite her neurotic best friend Wally's objections, decides it's time to have a baby, even if it means doing it herself, with a little help from a charming sperm donor. But, unbeknownst to her, Kassie's plans go awry because of a last-minute switch that isn't discovered until seven years later, when Wally gets acquainted with Kassie's cute, though slightly neurotic, son.
High school biology teacher Scott Voss is desperate to save the music program at his cash-strapped school. Learning that fighting in MMA matches provides a pretty nice payout, Voss decides to put his former collegiate wrestling skills to the test and climb into the octagon. Unfortunately, Voss has been out of college for about 20 years. Does he have what it takes to beat the best and earn the cash the school desperately needs?
7) Rock of ages
Drew and Sherrie meet in L.A. while pursuing their dream of life in the big city. Will their love survive the challenges the city throws their way? This musical features songs by Journey, Twisted Sister, Starship, REO Speedwagon, Foreigner, and more.