D. H Lawrence
For many of us D.H. Lawrence was a schoolboy hero. Who can forget sniggering in class at the mention of 'Women in Love' or 'Lady Chatterley's Lover'? Lawrence was a talented if nomadic writer whose novels were passionately received, suppressed at times and generally at odds with Establishment values. This of course did not deter him. At his death in 1930 at the young age of 44 he was more often thought of as a pornographer but in the ensuing years
...3) Aaron's Rod
In Aaron's Rod, literary master D.H. Lawrence spins an engaging picaresque tale of the talented English amateur flutist Aaron Sisson and his travels. Aaron escapes a life of drudgery and a loveless marriage and journeys to Italy, crossing paths with a writer who many critics regard as an autobiographical stand-in for Lawrence himself along the way.
Sons and Lovers is one of the landmark novels of the twentieth century. It was immediately recognized as the first great modern restatement of the oedipal drama when it appeared in 1913 and is widely considered the major work of D. H. Lawrence's early period. This intensely autobiographical novel recounts the story of Paul Morel, a young artist growing to manhood...
7) The rainbow
A novel which chronicles the lines of three generations of the Brangwen family and the emergence of modern England.
Set between the 1840s and the early years of the twentieth century The Rainbow tells the story of three generations of the Brangwen family, ancient occupiers of Marsh Farm, Nottinghamshire. Through courting, pregnancy, marriage and defiance Lawrence explores love and the conflicts it brings.
Women in Love begins one blossoming spring day in England and ends with a terrible catastrophe in the snow of the Alps. Ursula and Gudrun are very different sisters who become entangled with two friends, Rupert and Gerald, who live in their hometown. The bonds between the couples quickly become intense and passionate but whether this passion is creative or destructive is unclear.
In this astonishing novel, widely considered to be D.H.
Dramatisations and readings of selected works by DH Lawrence – plus a radio play by Dan Allum and two bonus documentaries exploring Lawrence's life and writings
Crowned 'the greatest imaginative novelist of our generation' by EM Forster, DH Lawrence has an undisputed place in England's canon of great authors. In this wide-ranging collection, dramatisations and readings of some of his major works are brought together, exploring themes
18) Women in love
19) Lady Chatterley
Want to know how to hide a map of an enemy fort in...