Jerry Kupfer
Go behind-the-scenes of a live sketch comedy show. Watch as Jack comes back to GE; Liz gets a visit from an adoption agency caseworker; Liz sits next to Oprah on her flight from Chicago to New York; Tracy and Jenna conduct a 'social experiment;' Jack hooks up with Liz's psycho ex-roommate; Liz thinks she has found the perfect mate; Don Geiss wakes from his coma; Jack falls in love with his mother's nurse; Liz has a disastrous first date; Jack gets...
Contains the primetime Emmy-winning workplace comedy that exists behind-the-scenes of a live sketch comedy show. The co-workers are all struggling to balance life and work, with the inevitable result of failed relationships, disastrous parties, at-work drunkenness, hard-core coffee addiction, world-class sandwich eating and occasional attempts to chop down Christmas trees.