Bruce Bayley Johnson
Read along with four stories featuring counting. Chicka chick 1, 2, 3: When one hundred and one numbers race each other up the apple tree, bumblebees come buzzing. Which number will save the day? Emily's first 100 days of school: School begins and as the days and weeks go by, Emily and her classmates learn new ideas and expand their world. How much is a million?: Marvelosissimo the Mathematical Magician explains the concepts of a million, a billion...
Harry the dirty dog: When Harry, a white dog with black spots, runs away at bath time, his playful curiosity soon finds him filthy and longing for his family. Imagine his surprise when his family doesn't recognize this strange black dog with white spots. In Officer Buckle and Gloria, Officer Buckle tries to share his safety tips unsuccessfully until he meets a police dog named Gloria. In No roses for Harry, Harry tries to lose his new sweater. In...
In "I love you, Stinky Face", A mother and child discuss how the mother's love would remain constant even if her child were a stinky skunk, scary ape, or bug-eating green alien.
In "The rain came down", An unexpected rain shower causes quarreling among the members of a small community.
In "Dear Bunny, a bunny love story", a family of matchmaking mice help two love-struck bunnies overcome their shyness and realize their true feelings for each other.