Walter Isaacson
1) Elon Musk
How did his mind work? What made him a genius? Isaacson's biography shows how his scientific imagination sprang from the rebellious nature of his personality. His fascinating story is a testament to the connection between creativity and freedom.
Based on newly released personal letters...
"Though we cannot learn leadership, we can learn from leaders, which is why this volume is so engaging and valuable."—Boston Globe
What made FDR a more successful leader during the Depression crisis than Hoover? Why was Eisenhower more effective as supreme commander at war than he was as president? Who was Pauli Murray and why was she a pivotal figure in the civil rights movement?Find the answers to these...
In this collection of essays, the brilliant, acclaimed biographer Walter Isaacson reflects on lessons to be learned from Benjamin Franklin, Albert...
11) The innovators
12) Steve Jobs
Escucha la biografía definitiva de Steve Jobs, el fundador de Apple, escrita con su colaboración.
La muerte de Steve Jobs ha conmocionado al mundo. Tras entrevistarlo en más de cuarenta ocasiones en los últimos dos años, además de a un centenar de personas de su entorno, familiares, amigos, adversarios y colegas, Walter Isaacson nos presenta la única biografía escrita con la colaboración de Jobs, el retrato definitivo de
...La biografía definitiva de Steve Jobs
La muerte de Steve Jobs ha conmocionado al mundo. Tras entrevistarlo en más de cuarenta ocasiones en los últimos dos años, además de a un centenar de personas de su entorno, familiares, amigos, adversarios y colegas, Walter Isaacson nos presenta la única biografía escrita con la colaboración de Jobs, el retrato definitivo de uno de los iconos
¿Qué talentos y habilidades...
Benjamin Franklin is the founding father who winks at us, the one who seems made of flesh rather than marble. In a sweeping narrative that follows Franklin's life from Boston to Philadelphia to London and Paris and...
New York Times best-selling author and Aspen Institute president Walter Isaacson is acclaimed for his insightful biographies. Here he offers brief profiles of iconic Americans and identifies the unique qualities or values that sparked their influence on society. Included are such noteworthy figures as Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, Woody Allen, Bill Clinton, and many others. "A fresh, lucid and lively volume of profiles and analysis."—Kirkus