Panama-Pacific International Exposition: Opening day celebrations / crowds at the entrances / pan of Exposition proper / parades on Market Street and Van Ness Avenue / Tower of Jewels / Fountain of Energy / other buildings / day for night shots / submarines / Fun Zone at night / nighttime illumination of buildings showing use of fog machines and special lights / Uncle Sam's submarines. No audio. (13 minutes)
Visiting the site of the world's worst nuclear accident at Chernobyl, Stefan Gates finds people living on toxic land. His journey takes him right up to the crumbling sarcophagus itself, and when a woman prepares a meal from produce grown in her garden,Gates is faced with a tricky dilemma.
This video clip begins with two boys, Jaylin in green and Ethan in a blue shirt, standing against a brick wall in anticipation of a start signal for the race from Jeriah, wearing blue pants. Jeriah stands away from the wall as if to establish his role as ‘starting gun’. He sees that Ethan is looking at him, so he raises his hand to signal that the starting word (“Go”) is about to be spoken. But Jaylin is not looking at Jeriah, nor is Jeriah...
In this video clip, Chaislyn and Maddie play a game of Duck, Duck, Goose with their teachers. The girls use many strategies during their play. Chaislyn loves being the goose, but she knows that this role is supposed to be avoided. How does she handle this restriction? She invents an expression of feigned disappointment (“Oh man!”) in order to cover her deliberate strategies to “lose.” This feigned expression is an indication of her ability...
Ensure the continued health and well-being of mother and baby as they make the transition from hospital to home. This video presents the most current need-to-know discharge information-including postpartum recovery tips, feeding basics, newborn care, and when to call healthcare providers. Content includes: Mother Care & Warning Signs, Baby Blues & Postpartum Mood Disorders, and Breastfeeding Basics. This special version includes all the same essential...
Four toddlers are walking on contact paper, sticky side up, taped to the floor. Most often such an activity is called “sensorial play” and justified with phrases such as “they are exploring their sense of touch.” Such phrases, perhaps derived from Montessori’s phrase of “educating the senses,” imply that the children are learning what objects are smooth, what objects are rough, what objects are sticky, what objects are not. The emphasis...
In this video clip, four year olds Evan (in yellow) and Alex (in red) rearrange bottomless wooden boxes into play props that have qualitatively different functions: a train to sit in, a tunnel to crawl through, a bridge to walk over, an enclosure to hide toy animals inside, and a chute to toss a ball into. When a child is able to change the function of an object by changing his perspective to that object, he learns an important lesson. When I want...
10) Taking Turns
This video clip shows a group of two-year-olds working to voluntarily control their behavior in order to engage in turn-taking with peers. The children know that taking turns involves a period of waiting and a period of activity. One child asserts the “five-minute” rule as a means to negotiate turns swinging. While the children understand that time can be measured, they have trouble determining the actual time span of five minutes. The teacher...
13) Digital Food
Modern food production is largely dependent on fossil fuels. Now that we are beginning to reach the end of them, the main question remains: How will we feed a global population of 9 billion people in 2050? In the Netherlands, Belgium and Silicon Valley, numerous startups have sprung up that use smart technology, big data and new distribution systems to find solutions. This program explores tomorrow's food, which not only needs to be sustainable, tasty...
14) The Cold War
This is a timeline of events in the history of the Cold War, from 1945 to 1991. The Cold War was a period of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union after the end of World War II, as they tried to prevent each other from gaining too much power, with the threat of nuclear weapons looming.
In this video clip, infants Olivia and Michael explore an unusual object, a toy harp. At first Olivia fingers the features that protrude. The teacher models how to pluck the wire strings to make a musical sound. Olivia is intrigued, but on her way to try this new strategy, she cannot resist fingering the protruding posts once again. She changes her movement from a pinch of the post to a grasp of the string, followed by a pluck made by swiping the...
This program gives parents of preemies the essential information and emotional support they need. This specialized program answers common questions about the NICU, shares success stories, and most importantly, prepares the family for life at home. Volume 3: Going Home covers: preparing for discharge, being at home with a preemie, SIDS, early development, and possible long-term complications.
This video clip can be studied via several dimensions: the affordance of playground structures to support social play, the way the children adjust the rules of “Ring Around the Rosy” to fit the environment, and the way the children adjust their actions to avoid getting dizzy and their subsequent use dizziness as part of falling down.
This video clip shows how when the teacher sings word-like sounds to Blake (10 months old), he orients more intently to the teacher. Notice how the teacher first invites Blake to make the same sounds she does. Then she elevates the invitation to consider that the word “ball” refers to the object she moves gently in her hand. By shifting back and forth between the game of “make my sounds” and “this object is called a ball” Blake might soon...
20) Pretend Washing
When children act out a scene in pretend play they let us know a great deal about their understanding of the physical and social world. Take for example, this video clip of two three-year-old girls pretending to wash their hands. It shows that they understand that washing requires a back and forth scrubbing action, a movement not required when you are simply rinsing your hands or warming your hands. It also provides a sense of their strategies for...