Roxanne Hernandez
2) Unlocked
4) Bluescreen
Six foot tall and gorgeous, Sheriff Daniel Galvez wasn't the kind of man women said no to. Unless you were Lauren Maxwell. Years ago, Daniel had worked a case that had destroyed her family...and her trust in men.
Now Lauren's come home, a trauma doctor, all cool-eyed and distant. Still, something about this brave...
12) Take one
Las Aventuras de Bella & Harry es una colección de libros que narra las escapadas de un cachorro llamado Bella, de su hermanito Harry, y de su familia según exploran las vistas y sonidos de nuevas y excitantes ciudades de todo el mundo. Esta colección ofrece una manera informativa y excitante de presentar a los niños todo sobre viajes, países y costumbres diferentes, su historia, sus puntos de interés y demás; lo que seguro se ganará
...16) Take four
18) Take three
19) Take two
Will the price of fame be worth the cost?
Filmmakers Chase Ryan and Keith Ellison have completed their first feature film, and Hollywood is buzzing with the news. In the wake of that excitement, the producers acquire rights to a novel that has all the ingredients they want for their next project. At the same time they cross paths with a well-connected player who introduces them to the right people, and suddenly every studio