Peter Guralnick
A New York Times Notable BookWinner of the Ralph J. Gleason Music Book Award
"Elvis steps from the pages. You can feel him breathe. This book cancels out all others."...
Sam Cooke was among the first to blend gospel music and secular themes — the early foundation of soul music. He was the opposite of Elvis: a black performer who appealed to white audiences, who wrote his own songs, who controlled his own business destiny.
This vivid celebration of blues and early rock 'n' roll includes some of the first and most illuminating profiles of such blues masters as Muddy Waters, Skip James, and Howlin' Wolf; excursions into the blues-based Memphis rock 'n' roll of Jerry Lee Lewis, Charlie Rich, and the Sun record label; and a brilliant depiction of the bustling Chicago blues scene and the legendary Chess record label in its final days. With unique insight and unparalleled
...A companion to the groundbreaking documentary series, this volume is a unique and timeless celebration of the blues, from writers and artists as esteemed and revered as the music that moved them.
Included in this stunning collection are:
Von den Fans lange erwartet und endlich komplett auf deutsch erhältlich: Die umfassendste Elvis-Biographie von einem der etabliertesten Musikautoren.Der erste Teil der bewegenden Elvis-Biographie vom Bluesspezialisten Peter Guralnick, erstmalig in deutscher Übersetzung. Detailreich, mit erzählerischem Geschick und aus einem Schatz von Hintergrundinformationen schöpfend präsentiert Guralnick ein breites und glaubwürdiges Bild des Musikermythos
...Eine umfassende Elvis-Biographie von einem der etabliertesten Musikautoren, Peter Guralnick.Aufbauend auf den ersten Teil präsentiert er detailreich, mit erzählerischem Geschick und aus einem Schatz von Hintergrundinformationen schöpfend, ein breites und glaubwürdiges Bild des Musikermythos aus Memphis.Teil 2 begleitet den King in der Zeit nach der Army bis zu seinem tragischen Tod 1977. Careless Love: Der Abgesang ist eine Chronik der
...She was a good girl from Biloxi, Mississippi; he was a rockabilly singer on the verge of stardom. They fell in love in the summer of 1956, and found a timeless moment of innocence and simple pleasure. In this acclaimed, intimate portrait of the American legend, Juanico gives us the Elvis she knew and loved—the Memphis boy with aw-shucks charm, impeccable manners, and an easy and irresistible sensuality. Their lives merged quickly and completely:
...It was the twang heard 'round the world: Rockabilly was born out of country, bluegrass, jazz, and the blues in the 1950s, becoming rock ’n’ roll and ruling the world. Here’s the story of Elvis Presley’s first Sun records that inspired all. And here’s Carl Perkins, Gene Vincent, Eddie Cochran, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison, and many more rockabillies from the golden years of 1955–1959, in a book