Lee Goldberg
But while Monk attempts to arrange his surroundings just so, something else needs to be put straight. The death of a dog at the local firehouse-on the same night as a fatal house fire-has led Monk...
The husband of Monk's former assistant, Sharona, has been arrested for murder. Now back in San Francisco, she's ready to reclaim her place in Monk's life-much to the chagrin of his current assistant, Natalie. While Monk tries to maintain a delicate balance between the two women, he discovers a few unsettling snags in the case against Sharona's husband, and may be up against a killer who not only understands...
But when Stottlemeyer is arrested for murder, he turns to the only detective who can prove his innocence. That is, if Monk can overcome some potentially...
Eve Ronin acaba de cumplir su sueño de ingresar en el equipo de Homicidios del condado de Los Ángeles. Lo ha logrado gracias a un vídeo viral en el que detiene a un famoso actor hollywoodiense pasado de vueltas. El departamento necesita lavar su imagen tras algunas actuaciones desastrosas y ascender a una figura mediática como Ronin puede ayudar. Perspicaz, metódica y obstinada, ella sabe que se merece el puesto, pero tiene que demostrárselo
...On a return trip from Germany, Monk and Natalie stop over in Paris. They visit the catacombs—a vast, underground cavern in the center of the city, lined with millions of human bones. Monk picks up a skull and announces that the person was murdered. Most of the bodies came from a battlefield, but Monk believes the wound that killed this man came from a modern weapon made in the last few years. He thinks someone hid a recent murder victim among
...Adrian Monk is horrified when he learns there's going to be a blue flu in San Francisco. He doesn't understand what the blue flu is—but it sounds terrible. Captain Stottlemeyer explains that it's not really a virus: the police force plan to call in "sick" until they get a better contract. The good news is that the labor dispute will give Monk a chance to get back on the force. The bad news is, it means he'll be a "scab"—and he doesn't
...But there may be a killer in the Beyond Earth community: Someone in a starship uniform has gunned down the show’s legendary creator. Could a fan be that furious...