Pierfrancesco Favino
Larry Daley is a divorced father who can't seem to keep a job for more than a week. As a last resort, Larry applies for a job as a night shift security guard at the American Museum of Natural History. However, a seemingly easy job turns out to be an adventure when he finds that an ancient curse causes the "inhabitants" of the museum to come to life at night.
Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon discovers evidence of the resurgence of the most powerful underground organization in history, the Illuminati. Upon learning of an unstoppable terrorist act against the Vatican, Langdon travels to Rome and joins forces with Italian scientist Vittoria Vetra and together they will follow the 400-year-old Path of Illumination that leads to the Vatican's only chance for survival.
The four Pevensie children - Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy - return to Narnia, only to discover that hundreds of years have passed since they ruled there. Now, crowning himself king, the evil General Miraz has taken charge. The children enlist the help of a heroic mouse called Reepicheep. They set out to find the exiled Prince Caspian, determined to see him rightfully named king.