Peter David
The official novel of the blockbuster film!
All humankind was watching that day in 1969. And yet only a handful knew the real mission behind America’s triumph in the space race: to explore the alien ship that has crashed on the far side of the moon. Decades later, scientists are still struggling to understand the technology found on board—though with the treacherous Decepticons after
3) Spider-Man 2
Two years have passed, and Peter Parker struggles to cope with the demands of life as a college student, a Daily Bugle photographer, and a crime-fighting superhero. But it hasn’t gotten any easier. Condemned by the press, tormented by secrets he can never reveal, forced to give up the girl of his dreams—at...
Collects Hulk: Future Imperfect #1-2, Incredible Hulk: The End #1. Chronicling the final days of the Green Goliath! Presenting a searing vision of the future in which Bruce Banner, the Incredible Hulk, is the last man on Earth. It's the Hulk's final battle, as "The Last Titan" wrestles his inner-demons in order to discover his place in a dying world - if only he can survive! Plus: The testing of the first Gamma Bomb thrust upon Robert Bruce Banner
During a routine naval drill at Pearl Harbor, American forces detect a ship of unknown origins that's crashed in the Pacific Ocean. Lieutenant Alex Hopper, an officer aboard the USS John Paul Jones, is ordered to investigate the ominous-looking vessel--which turns out to be part of an armada of ships that are stronger and faster than any on Earth. And that's when the Navy's radar goes down. Ambushed
6) Hulk
From acclaimed filmmaker Ang Lee,
a dark vision of the beast that lives inside the man . . .
In a Berkeley lab, Bruce Banner, a young man haunted by his murky past and the parents he never knew, works intensely day and night. A bright scientist with repressed emotions and few social skills, Bruce and his colleague, the sharp and beautiful Betty Ross, experiment with the body's ability to repair itself and fight disease. But their research
7) Spider-Man
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