Collective Eye Films
This educational documentary film chronicles a critical season in the life of the Lake Sammamish kokanee, a unique, little-known species of landlocked salmon with immense cultural and ecological importance. The film follows key characters – a young educator with the Snoqualmie Tribe, a newcomer fish biologist, and a private landowner/activist – as they work together to save this fascinating species and its habitat amid unprecedented development...
This film is set along the rivers of Oregon and follows activists as they enlist the necessity defense in a jury trial after being arrested for a direct action at Zenith Energy in Portland. This story of climate resistance in the Pacific Northwest brings into view a historical landscape of tribal leaders, Indigenous activists and white allies as they resist oil trains and trucks carrying highly flammable products through treaty lands. In following...
This film traces the fight in Minnesota against the expansion of pipelines carrying highly toxic tar sands oil through Native lands and essential waterways in North America. Front line communities—Native peoples and communities of color—suffer the most immediate and severe consequences of the climate crisis, including impacts on physical and mental health as well as territorial desecration and displacement. This feature-length documentary follows...
President Obama declared Bears Ears a national monument in December 2016. One year later, President Trump reduced the monument by 85 percent. While the political debate continues, this documentary seeks to transcend the rhetoric, following the inhabitants of San Juan County, and revealing the mutual ideals between opposing ideologies: love and awe of a beloved land.
Rita Davern’s family has always been proud to say that their great grandparents once owned Pike Island, a beautiful piece of land at the confluence of the Minnesota and Mississippi rivers. When Rita relates what happened to the people who lived there before her family owned the land, some family members react with understanding, others with arguments and anger. Rita’s attempts to understand what happened and why leads her on a journey that requires...
Winner of the Best Documentary at the Harlem International Film Festival 2021 and Best Documentary Feature at the National Black Film Festival 2021. Mamie Lang Kirkland was seven years old when she fled Ellisville, Mississippi in 1915 with her mother and siblings as her father and his friend, John Hartfield, escaped an approaching lynch mob. John Hartfield returned to Mississippi in 1919 and was killed in one of the most horrific lynchings of the...
After quitting his job and getting dumped, filmmaker and nature enthusiast Fraser Jones decides to spend all his money on a camera and campervan to follow the miraculous 3,000-mile migration of the Monarch Butterfly across North America with high hopes of hosting the next great children's nature show.
Fashion designer Amy Powney of the cult label Mother of Pearl is a rising star in the London fashion scene. Raised off-the-grid in rural England by activist parents, Amy has always felt uneasy about the devastating environmental impact of her industry. When she wins the coveted Vogue award for the Best Young Designer of the Year, which comes with a big cash prize, Amy decides to use the money to create a sustainable collection from field to finished...
An inspiring and compelling one hour documentary that invites viewers into the lives of contemporary Native American role models. It focuses on the under reported themes of Nation Re-Building, Tribal Justice, and Cultural Revitalization. Through the personal and professional stories of American Indian Attorneys, Tribal Judges and their colleagues, the program provides an overview of the major historical, governmental, legal, judicial, and intertwining...
10) Ending disease
A documentary series that follows patients and their doctors in the first generation of FDA-approved clinical trials for stem cell, CAR-T cell, and antibody therapies. Granted unprecedented access to groundbreaking trials taking place at top research facilities in the United States, our crew filmed through the duration of ten clinical trials that used regenerative medicine to treat brain cancer, breast cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, HIV, spinal cord...
11) After spring
Appears on list
After Spring is a feature documentary that focuses on the Syrian refugee crisis. With the Syrian conflict entering its sixth year, millions of people continue to be displaced. This is the story of what happens next. By following two refugee families in transition and aid workers fighting to keep the camp running, viewers will experience what it is like to live in Zaatari, the largest camp for Syrian refugees. With no end in sight for the conflict...
12) Dachra
A young journalism student and her friends become trapped in an isolated village while trying to solve a gruesome criminal case that is over 25 years old.
Southern Sotho
2020 Sundance Winner: World Cinema Dramatic Special Jury Award for Visionary Filmmaking, 2019 Venice Film Festival, MUBI selection. In the mountains of Lesotho, an 80-year-old widow named Mantoa eagerly awaits her son's return from working in the South African mines, only to learn of his demise instead. Yearning for her death after the loss of her last remaining family member, she puts her affairs in order and makes arrangements to be buried in the...
14) Hog haven
Erin Brinkley-Burgardt is a magnetic woman completely driven by her life's mission to rescue, rehabilitate and find homes for as many pigs as possible. Filmmaker Christopher Beeson dedicated himself to this story after meeting Katniss Eversqueal, one of Hog Haven's therapy pigs. What began as a profile of Hog Haven Farm grew into an exploration of the farm animal rescue community and the principles that tie their missions together: advocacy for animal...
15) Pariah dog
"Documentary focusing on several eccentric street dog caretakers in Kolkata, India."--Container.
From initial lockdown to the first vaccines, Class of COVID-19 unveils untold and thought-provoking stories of courage and hope during a global pandemic. The stories move far beyond school buildings to show the fears, challenges, and triumphs of exemplary teachers and students. Faced with struggles around mental health, inequities in school resources, and racial injustice, the characters evolve to become true leaders in their communities and prove...
17) The county
After the global success of his Un Certain Regard winner Rams, director Grimur Hakonarson returns to his native Iceland with another humanist farmland fable. Bitterly funny and deeply affecting, the film plays out a timely political allegory against a jaw-dropping natural landscape, aided by a brainy, tenacious anti-heroine and Hk̀onarson's dry Nordic humor. When we first meet Inga, she is mid-wifing a calf, in the middle of another back-breaking...
18) Skies of Lebanon
In the 1950s, a young woman leaves the Swiss mountains for the shores of Beirut, where she falls in love with a quirky astrophysicist. The pair live in bliss until the civil war threatens their peaceful existence.
Richard Peirce leads a dramatic adventure from lion farms in South Africa to wildlife traffickers in Laos and Vietnam. He makes a shocking discovery that wildlife ranchers in South Africa are farming lions in their thousands to export their bones to Asia for traditional medicine. Richard battles to uncover the elaborate wildlife fraud of processing lion bones into food products which could contain the 'world's deadliest infectious disease.' The film...