Thomas Cavanagh
Last season, Barry Allen, aka the Flash, used his extraordinary abilities to travel back in time and save his mother's life, and inadvertently created an alternate timeline known as Flashpoint. The phenomenon not only gave birth to the villainous God of Speed known as Savitar, but changed the lives of Caitlin Snow and Wally West forever. With the help of his adoptive father, Detective Joe West, his fiancée Iris West, and the others, Barry continues...
CSI investigator Barry Allen is endearingly book-smart, somewhat awkward late and, as a result of a scientific experiment gone awry, the fastest man alive. Zigzagging through the action-packed new series from the creative team behind Arrow and based on the supersonic DC Comics character. With his life shadowed by his mother's murder and his father wrongly convicted of the crime, Barry finds that his newfound power of super speed grants him the ability...
Shortly after defeating the Thinker, Barry Allen/the Flash and his wife, Iris, were stunned by the arrival of their already grown, speedster daughter from the future, Nora. However, acclimating to their lives as parents won't be the only challenge they face, as season five pits Team Flash against Central City's latest scourge, the DC Super-Villain Cicada.
Get ready for another exciting and exclusive excursion behind the scenes at the Smithsonian Institution. Tom Cavanagh returns for another season of the ultimate insider's tour into the world's most renowned museum complex, unlocking more secrets and a new array of compelling puzzles. From solving mysteries, to saving pop culture and rare animals from extinction, to fascinating stories about the birds and the bees, and more.
Claire Darrow, a lawyer, fights for what's right, regardless of whether it makes her a dime. Naomi, Claire's estranged mother and a lawyer as well, would rather make a profit. They clash on nearly everything, even on the best way to raise Claire's daughter. When a close friend is convicted of stealing from an expensive jewelry store, it's up to Claire to bring justice.
Darrow & Darrow: Claire Darrow is a single mom and a lawyer, who always wants to do right. When a close friend is convicted of stealing from an expensive jewelry store, it's up to Claire to bring justice.
Darrow & Darrow: in the key of murder: Claire Darrow takes on the biggest challenge of her career when new beau, District Attorney Miles Strasberg, asks her to help his younger sister who's suspected of murder.
Darrow & Darrow, body of evidence: Claire defends a convicted murderer she believes was wrongly convicted, while Miles questions his role as prosecuting attorney and helps her on the case.
Darrow & Darrow, witness to murder: Attorney Claire Darrow defends an old colleague of her mother's for murder. Things get complex when Claire's romantic interest, Miles, is named as prosecuting attorney on the case.
9) Yogi Bear
"Everyone's favorite pic-a-nic basket-stealing bear brings his meal-mooching ways to movies in this live-action/CG-animated adventure ... Jellystone has been losing business, so conniving Mayor Brown has decided to shut it down and sell the land. Faced with the loss of his home, Yogi must prove he really is 'smarter than the average bear' as he and Boo Boo join forces with Ranger Smith to find a way to save the park from closing forever"--Container....