Willa Cather
1) My Ántonia
2) O pioneers!
3) One of ours
4) A lost lady
To the people of Sweet Water, a fading railroad town on the Western plains, Mrs. Forrester is the resident aristocrat, at once gracious and comfortably remote. To her aging husband she is a treasure whose value increases as his powers fail. To Niel Herbert, who falls in love with her as a boy and becomes her confidant...
“The fourteen travel articles that form the present volume,...
In 1697, Quebec is an island of French civilization perched on a bare gray rock amid a wilderness of trackless forests. For many of its settlers, Quebec is a place of exile, so remote that an entire...
In 1851 Father Jean Marie Latour comes to serve as the Apostolic Vicar to New Mexico. What he finds is a vast territory of red hills and tortuous arroyos, American by law but Mexican and Indian in custom and belief. In the almost forty years that follow, Latour spreads his faith in the...
This anthology of complete short fiction represents some of the most significant and enjoyable work from the most influential women authors of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Stories by Willa Cather (1873-1947), read by Chris McGlasson: "On the Divide" and "The Garden Lodge." Stories by Kate Chopin (1850-1904), read by Tamara Walters: "A Point at Issue," "The Story of an Hour," "Desiree's Baby," and "A Pair of Silk Stockings." Stories by Charlotte
...Jim's grandparents...
14) The Garden Lodge
15) Song of the Lark
Professor Godfrey St. Peter is a man in his fifties who has devoted his life to his work, his wife, his garden, and his daughters, and achieved success with all of them. But when St. Peter is called on to move to a new, more comfortable house, something in him rebels. And although...
17) Lucy Gayheart
In this haunting 1935 novel, the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of My Ántonia performs crystalline variations on the themes that preoccupy her greatest fiction: the impermanence of innocence, the opposition between prairie and city, provincial American values and world culture, and the grandeur, elation, and heartache that await a gifted young woman who leaves her small Nebraska town to pursue a life in art.
...In her final novel, Willa Cather departed from her usual Great Plains settings to plumb the turbulent relationships between slaves and their owners in the antebellum South.
Sapphira and the Slave Girl is set in Virginia just before the Civil War. Sapphira is a slave owner who feels she has come down in the world and channels her resentments into jealousy of her beautiful mulatto slave, Nancy. Sapphira’s daughter Rachel,