Helena Bonham Carter
Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts for another year of schooling and learns more about the dark past of the boy who grew up to become Lord Voldemort. There was a time when Hogwarts was thought of as a safe haven, but thanks to Voldemort's tightening grip on both the Muggle and wizarding worlds, that simply isn't the case anymore.
It's 'veggie-mania' in Wallace and Gromit's neighborhood. The two enterprising friends are cashing in with their humane pest-control outfit, "Anti-Pesto." With only days to go before the annual Giant Vegetable Competition they find that their business is booming. They come to find out that running a "humane" pest control outfit can have its drawbacks. Suddenly, a large and mysterious veg-ravaging "beast" begins attacking the town's sacred vegetable...
Debbie Ocean, the estranged sister of infamous criminal mastermind Danny Ocean, seeks to carry on the family business by plotting an enormous heist on New York's annual Met Gala. After being released from prison, Debbie recruits her best friend Lou to set out and assemble a team of larcenists. This hodgepodge, seven-member team includes everyone from a street pick-pocket, a computer hacker, and a jewelry expert. The women band together to infiltrate...
Lord Voldemort has returned, but the ministry of Magic is doing everything it can to keep the wizarding world from knowing the truth. They appoint Ministry official Dolores Umbridge as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts. When Umbridge refuses to teach practical defensive magic, Ron and Hermione convince Harry to secretly train a select group of students for the wizarding war that lies ahead. A terrifying showdown between good...
Suggestive and sexual material, violence and thematic elements.
In early 19th century France the paroled prisoner Jean Valjean seeks redemption, regains his social standing, and rises to the rank of mayor. He encounters a beautiful but desperately ill woman named Fantine and cares for her daughter, Cosette, after her death. All the while he is obsessively pursued by the policeman Javert, who vows to make him pay for the crimes of his past.
Disc 1. The Movie. In the epic finale, the battle between the good and evil forces of the wizarding world escalates into an all-out war. The stakes have never been higher and no one is safe. But it is Harry who may be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice as he draws closer to the climactic showdown with Lord Voldemort. It all ends here.
Disc 2. Creating the world of Harry Potter, Part 8: Growing up. Interviews featuring Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert...
10) Hamlet
Hamlet, a prince of medieval-era Denmark, senses treachery behind his royal father's death. His mother is all too dangerously entangled in that treachery. This film portrays Shakespeare's immortal tale of high adventure and evil deeds.
11) One life
Anthony Hopkins stars as Nicholas Winton in this remarkable true story of a young London stockbroker who, in the months leading up to World War II, rescued over 600 children from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia. The film alternates between Winton’s younger years, where he's portrayed by Johnny Flynn, as he navigates personal risks and bureaucratic hurdles to save lives, and his later years, reflecting on his legacy.
13) Toast
A delicious love letter to the tastes and smells that a young boy associates with his journey into adulthood. Nigel's Mother was always a poor cook, and her addiction to all things canned isn't helping. Nigel, on the other hand, laps up cookbooks as if they were porn, and spends all his free time gazing longingly at the delights offered at Percy Salt's grocery shop.
Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor had one of the most fascinating, glamorous and tempestuous relationships of the 20th century - the two most famous movie stars of their day who played out every high and low of their love affairs, multiple marriages and divorces right in the public eye. The movie follows their private and public relationship played out against their ill-fated appearance in a 1983 revival of Noel Coward's stage play. Tempestuous,...
17) Lady Jane
In 1553, England's idle rich were anything but idle. With the blessing of the royal family, they plundered the riches of the church, stole the finest farmlands, and generally took all the best things the country had to offer. A cousin to the infamous Henry VII, Lady Jane Grey (Helena Bonham Carter) disapproved of the way her fellow nobles behaved, and disagreed with their religious beliefs. But as a sheltered 16-year-old, there wasn’t much she could...
20) Suffragette
Inspired by true events, a moving drama exploring the passion and heartbreak of the women who risked everything in their fight for equality in early 20th century Britain. The story centers on Maud, a working wife and mother whose life is forever changed when she is secretly recruited to join the U.K.'s growing suffragette movement. Galvanized by the outlaw fugitive Emmeline Pankhurst, Maud becomes an activist for the cause alongside women from all...