Lewis Allen
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In the hands of the renowned experimental theater director Peter Brook, William Golding's legendary novel on the primitivism lurking beneath civilization becomes a film as raw and ragged as the lost boys at its center. Taking an innovative documentary-like approach, Brook shot Lord of The Flies with an off-the-cuff naturalism, seeming to record a spontaneous eruption of its characters' IDs. The result is a rattling masterpiece, as provocative as its...
2) Suddenly!
The small town of Suddenly is invaded by professional assassin John Baron and his henchmen. Taking a local family hostage, Baron sets up vigil at the second-story window of the family's home. Baron is hoping to become "someone" by killing the President.
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A pair of siblings from London purchases a surprisingly affordable, lonely cliff-top house in Cornwall, only to discover that it actually carries a ghostly price soon they're caught up in a bizarre romantic triangle from beyond the grave. A tragic family past, a mysteriously locked room, cold chills, bumps in the night-this gothic Hollywood classic has it all.